Our school has been involved in a whole school safeguarding project. This project has been funded through the John Lyons Charity and will be delivered in schools across Ealing and Brent for the next three years. The project aimed to support schools to develop a whole school approach to keeping children safe.
As part of this project we delivered staff training and parent workshops focused on safeguarding. We also delivered specific safeguarding lessons to pupils. These safeguarding lessons were taught as part of the Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education curriculum. Within this unit of work, we discussed the NSPCC PANTS initiative with all pupils, and we taught Key Stage Two pupils ‘My Body, My Rules’ including FGM lessons.
We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. The NSPCC promotes ‘The Underwear Rule’ Campaign which aims to raise awareness of the importance of talking to children about keeping safe from sexual abuse. Mitchell Brook are supporting the NSPCC in their campaign and feel it is important to teach our children how to keep safe.
‘The Underwear Rule’ teaches them that:
- their body belongs to them
- they have a right to say no, and
- they should always tell an adult if they’re upset or worried.