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Secondary Applications

Choosing a secondary school for your child is an important decision for your child and your family.  We strongly urge all families to read the Brent Guidance and visit potential secondary schools before the application deadline in October.


If your child was born between 1 September 2011 and 31 August 2012, you need to apply for them to start secondary school in September 2022, then you will need to apply for a secondary school place by Monday 31st October 2022.


All Brent secondary school applications must be made through the Brent Admissions web page - click on the link below. 


For additional advice and support, please download the useful leaflets and step-by-step booklets using the links below.  Alternatively, if you would like to contact Brent Admissions directly, you can  email or call them on 020 8937 3110.


The school has no influence on secondary school placements but we are more than happy to help with the process. Please inform a member of the Pre-Secondary team through your child's planner if you have any questions.

Local Secondary Schools

If you are looking for a secondary school place within the borough of Brent, we are very lucky to have a variety of excellent local schools.  Click on the images below to find out more about some of the local Brent secondary schools you may wish to apply for.
