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Headteacher’s Welcome

"The provision on offer is of exceptional quality. Pupils have a highly positive experience of school life."

                                                                           OFSTED 2023

We tell our children and staff to 'reach for the stars' and that's exactly what we do!  It is our firm belief that we are capable of so many amazing things and at Mitchell Brook, we ensure our children get the best of as much as we can give them - just to inspire greatness.  For us, it is vital that we give our children as many experiences as possible to ensure that they are well equipped to succeed in today's rapidly moving society.  Our curriculum is carefully designed with the children's specific needs and interests in mind.  As a result, our children have the opportunity to experience visiting many different places both locally and further across the country, they work with an author every year, have the opportunity to experience visiting a West End theatre at least twice, have regular instrumental sessions and much, much more.  Our expectations are consistently high; not just from ourselves as educators but of the children and families that are part of our community as well.


As you will see, Mitchell Brook is very much about community.  It is about forming sound and positive relationships built on mutual trust.  We have many opportunities for home and school to work closely together.  Parents and carers are welcomed to half termly class 'Celebrations of Learning' as well as curriculum events, coffee mornings, training sessions and class extravaganzas. We are all here to support the children and their future – investing in tomorrow’s workforce and citizens.


I am proud to be the Headteacher of such a progressive, enthusiastic and outstanding school.


Theresa Landreth

Executive Headteacher
