School Logo

Year 6

Conor Edwards

Megan Feldman

Kaltrina Dragusha


All Pre-Secondary students should be wearing a Mitchell Brook striped tie. This should be in your child's house colour.  Reading books and planners should be brought into school everyday.


P.E. takes place on Monday for Sequoia and Banyan only.  The children will need to come into school wearing their Mitchell Brook P.E. kit. Kauri will be going swimming every Friday morning.  

Curriculum Overviews

Our year group Curriculum Overviews show the learning that will take place across the year - for each half term and for each subject.  Curriculum learning events and the core texts used to support Writing and Personal Development are also shown.

Click on the link below to find out what Pre-Secondary will be learning this year.

Current Learning

Click on the links below to see what we are currently learning in Pre-Secondary  You can see what are going to be learning in each area of the curriculum, what we will know by the end of the half term and how you can support us at home.


Look on Google Classroom for further information throughout the half term.



Half term holiday Superstar Challenge - with an orienteering theme!


For the half term break, the Superstar Challenge is set around our new and exciting orienteering course!  This involves using maps of the school site to find a series of markers in the shortest amount of time possible.  All children will have the opportunity to use the different courses and develop their physical fitness, map reading skills and team-work.  


The Superstar Challenge is an opportunity for the children to design their own course - either using the map provided or one they have drawn themselves.



We hope everyone gets the opportunity to try out the challenge and please bring them into school for everyone to see!  Alternatively pictures can be brought into school or uploaded onto Google Classroom.


Download the full version of the challenge and the larger version of the map below



