Year 2
As we have welcomed our students back into school, our remote learning offer has been adapted in order to provide learning for those children who are isolating or shielding. The timetables have been produced on a two week cycle, in order to provide sufficient learning for the required isolation period. The majority of learning has been taken from the Oak Academy, which provides students with learning videos and activities to complete. Please see above for the weekly timetables. All work is to be submitted to Weekly phone calls will also be made in order to help support and provide feedback for learning
Across the week in most subjects, your child will receive feedback on their learning submitted. The feedback will be given online through your year group online platform . This will take the form of one of these three aspects:
Online Learning Platforms
Seesaw is the primary online platform used at Mitchell Brook Key Stage 1. This is a dedicated space for Year 2 students and the teaching team. Assignments can be set for students, learning can be submitted online through videos, notes voice recordings or images of handwritten learning and feedback can given.
EdShed is our chosen Home Learning platform where students are set weekly assignments for spelling and mental maths. Children are expected to complete their weekly Home Practice tasks but can choose to play a variety of spelling and Maths-based games as well.
LGfL (London grid for Learning) is a platform available to all London-based schools and hosts a huge range of programmes across the entire curriculum including PurpleMash, which we use for Computing, online reading opportunities and much more.
To log-on to:
- the Year 2 Seesaw classroom, please click here.
- EdShed, please click here.
- LGfL (including PurpleMash), please click here.
All log-in details to access Seesaw, EdShed and PurpleMash were given out to students in the first part of the Autumn term. Please contact the school office email account if you require any support logging on and a member of the Year 2 team will get in touch.