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Vision Statement

'Inspiring the minds of tomorrow to be confident life-long learners high Ambition, strengthening a positive sense of Identity and contributing to Society so that every child can succeed.'


We strive to provide a history education that equips our students with the essential knowledge and skills to gain a comprehensive understanding of Britain's past and that of the wider world.  We use high-quality sources, including texts and artefacts, to support learning and carefully choose out-of-class enrichment opportunities to bring history learning to life.



Curriculum Overview

 Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2
ReceptionFamily HistoryUnderstanding the world/ DifferencesGeography focusCommenting on images from the pastGeography focusComparing the past
Year 1Mary SeacoleGeography focusGeography focusChanges within living memory - toysGreat Fire of LondonGeography focus
Year 2Harold MoodyGeography focusGeography focusExplorers - Ibn Battuta, Matthew Henson & Felicity AstonGeography focusOpening Worlds - Stone Age
Year 3Ancient EgyptCradles of civilisation - Ancient MesopotamiaIndus ValleyPersia & GreeceAncient GreeceAlexander the Great

Years 4, 5 & 


The Roman RepublicThe Roman EmpireRoman BritainChristianity in 3 EmpiresArabia & Early IslamCordoba

